What’s Happening...
Join us for an upcoming event in Vinton, Iowa. We have something for everyone in your family.
Bright Lights on 4th
Downtown Vinton
4th Street, Vinton, IA
Downtown Vinton
4th Street, Vinton, IA
There’s More to Explore...
Whether contemplating a visit or planning a move to our community we extend a warm and sincere welcome to our city and hope your stay will be relaxing and enjoyable.
Vinton, Iowa...
The City of Lights
Turning down any one of Vinton’s downtown streets you’ll see beautiful vintage street lamps. This is one of the reasons we maintain the moniker “the City of Lights”. These lamps are a replica of the lamps that once lit the streets of Vinton in the early 20th century. Vinton is proud of its history and the memories that helped form who we are today. More information on the history of Vinton can be found on the Benton County Historical Society website.

Vinton Unlimited
Our Gold, Silver, & Bronze Members...
